When you make a booking, you agree with our Booking and Cancellation Policy.
Deposits are not refundable.
Your appointment time is reserved specifically for you therefore please try to give a minimum of 24 hours notice should you wish to cancel or reschedule your appointment. Please note that we charge a cancellation fee of 50% of the full treatment value if an appointment is cancelled or rescheduled giving less than 24 hours notice and cannot be filled. Missed appointments will be charged at the full treatment prices. Cancellation of an appointment must be made by calling the salon on 07532 108 115 or email andibsspa@gmail.com
Gift Vouchers/ Beauty packages
Gift voucher treatments are subject to our usual booking & cancellation policy.
Failure to give at least 24hrs notice will result in the charge of 50% of the value of your gift voucher/treatment of Beauty package.